Cafe "Stariy Bazar", Sochi - official website

Promotional site of an old cafe: unique design, responsive layout, custom online booking system - one-page vertical slider with AJAXloading, powered by CMS Drupal.
Website functions and contents:
- Convenient representation of cafe menu
- Intuitive navigation
- Menu update from XLS file
- Vertical slider
- Events and interiors - photo galleries
- Cafe history
- Testimonials
- Online table booking
- Simple control panel showing table status to cafe staff
- SMS alerts for new bookings
- English and Russian versions
Drupal Version: 7.22. Modules: Administration menu, Backup and Migrate, Back To Top, Browser class, Calendar, CAPTCHA, Google Chart Tools: Image Charts, Coder, Collage Formatter, Context, Context Condition Theme, Chaos tool suite (ctools), Date, Devel, DHTML Menu, Display Suite, editablefields, Entity Translation, Feeds, Feeds XLS, Field Group, Flippy, Form Panel, Free pager, Google Analytics, Internationalization, ImageCache Actions, Image Matrix, Image CAPTCHA Refresh, IMCE, IMCE Wysiwyg bridge, jCarousel, Job Scheduler, jQuery Update, Localization client, Localization update, Menu attributes, Menu block, Metatag, Module Filter, Multiupload Filefield Widget, Multiupload Imagefield Widget, Omega Tools, Panels, Panels Everywhere, Pathauto, Quick Tabs, Redirect, Resource Booking, Rules, Semantic Views, Strongarm, Superfish, Taxonomy Manager, ThemeKey, Title, Token, Custom Tokens, Token Filter, Translation Overview, Translation table, Variable, Views, Views Bulk Operations (VBO), Views data export, Views Field View, Views Load More, Views PHP, Views Slideshow, Webform, Webform Conditional (Same Page Conditionals), Wysiwyg, XML sitemap, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Metrics.
Project "Cafe Stariy Bazar" is Winner of the Day at CSS Reel, Site of the Day at BestCSS and CSS Design Award nominee.