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SMM (Social Media Marketing)

Everyone knows these days that opinion leaders in social media impact audience like no other advertising. Social networks are person-oriented, information travels by words of mouth, and its impact can be compared with real friends recommending something. Social Media Marketing (SMM) is not magic, art or trick. SMM has its laws, rules and requirements; it's painstaking work done by a group of committed professionals with no days off, holidays and often 24/7. SMM doesn't work by templates; every brand / client / service must be unique. And often a foul SMM campaign rather damages than helps.

Our services:

  Social media monitoring
  Promotion of products, brands, services in social media
  Promotion in blogs
  Promotion in Facebook, Twitter
  Reputation management in social media
  Fighting back (negative feedback)
  Viral marketing
  Client's support in social media

How much?

We deal with SMM budgets of 200+ USD per month. Everything depends on our ideas and your goals.

How fast?

You need to do SMM all the time - or don't do it at all.

What now?

  1. Send us your request
  2. We'll do a free monitoring report showing your activity and competitors' activity
  3. We'll offer you options and results you can have
Watch SMM for Villa Adriano 4* hotel, Krasnaya Polyana
Год выпуска:Release year: 2016
Watch Instagram templates design for Smart Food Sochi
Год выпуска:Release year: 2015
Watch Arman Hostikyan, iron sculptor (HTML5 website)
Год выпуска:Release year: 2013
Watch Cafe "Stariy Bazar", Sochi - official website
Год выпуска:Release year: 2013
Watch Website development for Green House Hotel 4* Sochi
Год выпуска:Release year: 2013
Watch, Sochi news digest
Год выпуска:Release year: 2013
Watch Max FM, #1 Sochi radio
Год выпуска:Release year: 2009
Watch Discovery, realty agency (Sochi)
Год выпуска:Release year: 2012

Аренда квартир в Сочи длительно. 1 место.

Что мы делаем?

Develop convenient websites, corporate identity, succeed in SEO & SMM.

© 2007-2025 Contorra Family